About Germs

Hello Everyone!

I am Germaine aka Germs, staying in a small red dot Singapore! My passion surrounds around all the loving french desserts in cafes!

Why did I choose to join Chef as a career was because I am always curious and excited on the different designs and patterns on the food! It gives me satisfaction when guests love the food that I do!

I am a very introvert person which explains why I am at the BOH (Back of House) instead as I always feel nervous and lack of confidence when I need to speak to the guests. I tend to stumble words upon words and even the best food I present to them, the message will never get to them as it will make them feel that I am not confident with my food!

I love playing these online games during my time when I am in my own world

  • Overwatch
  • Left 4 Dead
  • Counterstrike

I know it sounds like what?! All these games seems like a guy who will play. But well.. I have an elder brother so thus, you will know why I love all these games..

Not only that, I will always search for videos on desserts and going through short courses to enhance my own skills and hoping to open an online shop in the near future!

That's all about me for now and I will update again!


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